
 The life of rabbit.


Do you know abour the life or rabbit?

You need to commit to 10 years

They need a large house and very large space to run

Domesticated rabbits can live between 8 to 12 years

Rabbits require the right diet, suitable housing and companionships to keep happy throughout their lives

Keeping your rabbit’s vaccinations up to date Will help prevent illness and disease

Do some rabbit breeds live longer than others?

What can I do to help my rabbit live a long and happy life?

There is a common misconception that rabbit are low maintenace and many bunnis suffer as a result.

                                                                                        ILLUSTRATIVE IMAGE--by Pixabay

The life of turtle


The lifespan of turtle varies greatly depending on the species of turtle.

For example, a typical pet turtle can live between 10 and 80 years or so while larger species can easily live over 100 years. Sea turtle tipically live between 30 and 80 years, and some anecdotal 

How to take care of my puppy

First of all you have to shower them 1 time per week, also they need to eat 1 time per day. its nice to play with them and also take a walk with them, because they need to be active, they are like a baby, you should be attentive with them. It is recommended to give them awards for some thing they do well.

Thats how you take care of your pets.      (Thanks)



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